Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hand in - Proposal video

click here to download the video

Hand in - the 3 images

project set up

rat-game interactions

game art design

download the larger file here: project set up, rat-game interaction, game art design

Hand in - Project Proposal

Design Question:
How technology can create a more intimate relationship between pets and their owner?

Petio Game
A video game that allows the pet and owner interact together.

To build up any form of relationship requires time and interactions. Video game can be an immersive interactive programme. Whilst it is engaging, the two players or multiplayer gaming can encourage bonding between individuals. I proposed to introduce video game as a medium to communicate between the pet and the owner, encouraging time and interactions between the two, regardless of direct or indirect interactions.

Petio Game requires two players, the pet and the owner. The main player is the owner, who is in charge of the character controls (walk, jump, attack etc). The pet however, does not control the movement of the avatar, but its activities can affect the character's condition, as well as the game environment.

My target pet will be a rat. Rat's daily basic activities includes eating, drinking, exercising, and sleeping. Sensors will be set up inside of the cage to sense different activities of the rat, and each activity being sensed causes real time changes to the game elements. The rat's interaction with the game has not only provides the game with constant changes that induce greater amount of challenge to the player, but from the avatar's condition and the game environment the owner will be able acknowledge his rat's current condition, gaining a better understanding about his pet.

Pet owners involve both male and female, therefore it is important that the game art design is suitable for both sexes. The proposed aesthetic for game environment will be of a clean, crisp, 2D visual style. The foreground and background will be distinguished by the various color tones, such as bold, striking colors will be used for the foreground to stand out on top of the plain but colorful backgrounds. The game genre will be strategic action game that requires the player to navigate a game level, avoiding obstacles, and combatting enemies to get to a finishing point. In order to complete the game, it requires “teamwork” between the pet and the owner.

Petio Game aims to establish a stronger bond between the pet and the owner. It provides an opportunity for the two to engage in the same enjoyment, introducing a greater amount of time and interactions between them and from these encouraging a more intimate relationship between the pet and the owner.

click here to download the pdf

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Project schedule

Timeline with estimated milestones

Sunday, August 9, 2009

game art and environment inspiration : Patapon

Patapon is a rhythm- action, real-time strategy game, with some RPG (role-playing game) elements included in the mix. The game is presented in a cartoonish, silhouetted tow-dimensional environment. The success of the game lies with its innovative and engaging gameplay, as well as its superb art design.

Patapon reveal itself with its incredibly playful visuals and audio. It has a clean, crisp 2D visual style with an infectiously cute design ethos. Color tones were used to distinguish between the foreground and background. Bold, Striking colors were used for the foreground that makes it stand out on top of some plain but colorful backgrounds. A metronomic beat is played constantly in the background audio, and the player can influence the beat by issuing commands. There are six different beats that translate to six different movements, which the player has to issue commands by inputing specific sequences using the face buttons on the PSP in time with the drum rhythm.

Each level of the game is constructed and designed with a specific color theme, which presents a variety of environmental atmosphere to the player. Environmental weather conditions also play a significant part in its level design, such as scorching desert sands that prevent your tribesmen's progress, or winds that affect the range of your weapons. With these design elements, they have added a sense of uniqueness to it's already visually appealing level design.

cage setup sketch

here's a sketch of the sensors set up. Different type of sensors will be used to pick up different activities.

Infrared proximity sensors are use to detect the rat's appearance at the food and water area.
Photo interrupter is use to count the number of rotations that the rat has ran on the wheel.
and Pressure sensor is use to detect if the rat goes into the rat house.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Proposed solution (draft)

design topic:

To create a video game that the pet and owner can both play together.

The game requires two players, the pet and the owner. The main player is the owner, who is in charge of the character controls (walk, jump, attack etc). The pet however, it does not control the movement of the avatar, but its activities can directly affects the character's condition, as well as the game environment.

My target pet will be a rat. Rat's daily basic activities includes eating, drinking, exercising, and sleeping. Sensors will be set up at the cage to pick up the different activities from the rat, and each activity being sensed causes real time changes to the game elements. The rat's interaction with the game has not only makes the game more interesting, but from the avatar's condition and the game environment the owner will be able to know what his rat is up to. Has the rat ate too much? Is he sleeping at the moment? Etc.

The game itself is an action game. It requires the player to navigate a game level, avoiding obstacles, and battling enemies to get to a finishing point. In order to complete the game requires the “teamwork” between the pet and the owner. As such, this game project can helps to establish a stronger bonding between the two, and thus improved their relationship.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Research - flash game development

here are a few tutorial books that i might get. Hopefully I'll be able to create a successful game after looking at these books.

- Macromedia Flash MX Game Design Demystified

- Macromedia Flash Professional 8 Game Development

- Foundation Game Design with Flash

idea for rat-game interaction

Activities of the rat will influence the character condition and game environment.

eating - Character grows fat. Reduces speed.
drinking - Character slim down. Increases speed.
run / exercise - Upgrade weapon. Increases attack level.
sleep - game environment becomes night time.
active - game environment becomes day time.

Research - sensors

Photo interrupter

A photo interrupter sensor is composed of an infrared emitter on one upright and a shielded infrared detector on the other. By emitting a beam of infrared light from one upright to the other, the sensor can detect when an object passes between the uprights, breaking the beam. Used for many applications including optical limit switches, pellet dispensing, general object detection, etc.

Infrared proximity

Infrared proximity sensors work by sending out a beam of IR light, and then computing the distance to any nearby objects from characteristics of the returned (reflected) signal.

Piezo vibration sensor

The Minisense 100 is a low-cost cantilever-type vibration sensor loaded by a mass to offer high sensitivity at low frequencies. Useful for detecting vibration and 'tap' inputs from a user. A small AC and large voltage (up to +/-90V) is created when the film moves back an forth. A simple resistor should get the voltage down to ADC levels. Can also be used for impact sensing or a flexible switch.

Pressure sensor

A pressure sensor may be a trigger activated by weight.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


In order for a convincing design solution, I have researched into the following areas:

- Analyze rat's daily routine. Their activities and behavior.
- Analyze existing 2D games. Types, game environment, aesthetics, and other qualities.
- How to link up Arduino and Flash.
- Flash functionality.
- Sensors.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Research question

How to utilize technology to create a more intimate relationship between pets and their owner?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

concept generation

I love animals, and I think it will keep me interested in working with a pet. Therefore, I've chosen to do a project within the area of "Cyber-Therianthropy".

I've came up with two concepts, and I havent decide which one to choose from.

a fitness programme for pet (target pet: rat)
basic activities of rat includes eating, sleeping and exercise. This fitness programme aims to keep the rat in a healthy condition, balancing its amount of food intake and its amount of exercise, so that the rat will not eat too much and sleep but not getting enough exercise.

In the cage there's sensor set up at the food area and at the exercise wheel, and there's lighting set up around the cage. If the rat goes to grab its food, the sensor at the food area will detect it and will add 1 point to the programme counter. If the rat goes onto the running wheel, the counter will decrease 1 point at every 10 rotations. The aim is to keeps the counter below 3. If the counter is over 3 points, the lights turn on. Rats don't like bright lights, it will disturb their sleep. The only way to turn off the lights is to run on the wheel until the counter goes back below 3.
This fitness programme can be done using arduino and processing.

a game for pet and owner to play together (traget pet: rat)
This game involve two players. Player 1 - the rat and player 2 - the owner.
The rat will be place in a running wheel. As it runs, it controls the game character's movement, and the character will move forward. As it stop running, the character will stop moving. At certain point, enemies will appear and it is the owner's role to control the character for attack, jump etc. The pet and the owner will have to work together to the winning point, and such bonding can establish a more intimate relationship between the two.
The game can be done using arduino and flash.